Monday, March 2, 2009

Post 11- End of Feb Weekend

Last weekend was not a travel weekend, but I thought I’d write about it anyway.


Thursday after our excursion to Oxford, everyone decided to go out. There is a pub/bar here called Belushi’s that a lot of people went to 2 Thursdays ago and said it was really fun, so we went. Thursday night is special at Belushi’s because its “Ladies Night.” All that means is discounts on drinks for girls. The best offer was 2-for-1 cocktails, so I enjoyed a couple of those. Everyone danced all night, then took taxis home.

Here are pictures from Thursday night (mostly of me and Bailee, since she’s the rabid picture taker):




            Yes, Sonia, I am wearing the sweater you sent me!


On Friday, during the day, I had my first Fish & Chips here. FINALLY, RIGHT?? Then Lauren, Angela and I went to the train station to finally buy our train tickets for all the times we need to get to London.. but somehow.. it did not work out. I got train prices for the dates I needed, but I did not buy the tickets. (That’s the goal for tomorrow now.)


At night, Lauren, Angela, Henry and I met up with our friend Miles. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned him, but he is someone we met one of our first nights here, and have hung out with him a bunch since. Anyway, he is a musician, and told us he was playing a gig so we went. I ran into Emma and Vicky Baskerville there.. (if you want to know how I know them.. I’ll give you a clue, the gym I go to is called Baskerville’s Gymnastics… yes, their family owns it, and they coach there along with their parents.)

The gig was at this charity event to raise money for the British Heart Foundation, or something along those lines. The event was put on by a girl, who had a pretty good turnout of people, but it wasn’t too well organized. For example, she had a 3-legged race, but didn’t bring things to tie people’s legs together.

We waited for a long time for Miles to play. Waiting and waiting.. Then the head girl announced about the 3-legged race. Lauren and I were like, why not!! Emma and Vicky also decided to do it. Lauren grabbed the belt off her pea-coat, and we went outside and tied our legs together. I told her to tie it tight, because I thought; it would be easier that way. My reasoning was, when one person moved, there was no stall time to mess the rhythm up, and we would move together easily. BOY, WAS I WRONG!! Being tied so tight made it so much harder! And by harder, I mean that when one of us moved, the other did not have a chance to think to catch their balance, and yes, I fell. I fell toward with a straight body, kind of into pushup position, onto the wet ground. (My fall wasn’t as bad as the guy who decided to do the race still holding a pint of beer in his hand. When he fell, he ended up with a bloody hand because he fell on top of the glass that broke in his fall.. genius eh?) I got back up and we kept going. The run was around the block, and the hardest part was not even the being tied, but in my opinion, the combination of running and laughing so hard. My stomach hurt and I felt like I could barely breathe, but it was so fun. We ended up pre-last, I think. But we didn’t cheat like some people did!!

This is Lauren and I with our tie:


When we went back inside, Miles told us he already played and we missed it. We were like, “WHAT!?? We were only gone for that race! It was like 10 minutes!” But I guess he only played like 2 songs, because they were missing a mic, and it doesn’t work so well without a mic..

Then, they were having a pushup contest. Two or three boys went, and I was the first brave girl to go. It was how many can you do in 20 seconds. I did 21. Not bad eh? 6 months ago I would have been able to do wayyy more.. oh well.


Lauren and I walked home, picking up a delicious steak wrap on the way. It was a good night.


Saturday was great because I got to see my first football game!!

First, I spent the morning trying to get some postcards done. I went down to this area 20 min walk from my house where there is a post office. I went into this little library, and wrote 5 postcards, before it was noon. (The post office closes at 12:30 on sats.) So I went and sent the 5 out of the 30 or so I need to do. I guess a small accomplishment. Then I went home and soon after left for the game. The game was at Twerton Park, which was a 30 min walk from my house. 10 minutes in, I walked by Lauren’s house and we kept walking together. Online, I read the game starts at 3:30. Our plan was to get there at 2:30. With me leaving the house 15 mins late, and getting lost on the way, we didn’t get there till 3:10, only to find out that the game started at 3. Bummer! But that’s ok.

The game was Team Bath (University of Bath’s team), versus Dorchester,  team from about a 2 hour drive away. Bath was really good! They won 3-0. Number 11 scored, then 10, then 11 again. Not that you know who those people are, but neither do I, really. Anyway, it was a good time, although mellow. Their university games here are not big like ours.

This is some pics of on the way to the game, the game, and on the way back:



            Saturday NIGHT was a blast. Everyone met at Wetherspoons, the usual meeting place. It is a super crowded, cheap, student-type pub. From there, we went to Opa! Opa is a bar I hadn’t been to before. I was amazed by the place. It was made so that the walls sometimes looked like rocks and there was an outside area. Walking through this place, seriously felt like a Disneyland ride. Like Pirates of the Caribbean or something. I loved it. It got wayyyy too crowded later in the night, so I would like to go back there on a less busy night, maybe a Wednesday or Thursday.

Here’s a couple pics from there:



Sunday, Lauren and I went to Bristol. We wanted to bike or walk there. There is a 13 mile bike/walkway from Bath to Bristol, but we decided against it and just took the bus. We didn’t really do anything exciting there.. just shopped. In one store most specifically, Primark. It was super cheap. I bought a bunch of stuff, a sweater, nylons, jewelry, a scarf, flip-flops, and a few more things. It was fun. Sunday night, I stayed in.

That is all! Thought I’d share it though, because it was pretty eventful, even though I didn’t really travel anywhere, (except Bristol, but that’s not too far.)


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