Saturday, January 24, 2009

Post 1 - Plane Ride

Hello best semester of my life!


I am on the plane to England on British Airways. So far, I am very impressed by this airline: all British crew, of course, which is only getting me more and more excited, free socks (I was hoping they said "British Airways" on them, but, sadly, they don't), free headphones for a great selection of movies and shows (I am so going to watch The Office later, I’ve always wanted to get into that show and never had the time), and I am still in disbelief about the complementary alcohol.. I am about to start off this trip with a Bloody Mary!


Lets back up a bit though.


Some background:

Today is January 23, 2009. I am on my way to a 4-month trip to Bath, England. This is a faculty lead program through San Jose State University. Andy Fleck, English, and Rick Propas, History, are the professors taking us on this journey. We are not studying at a English university (or Uni, as I am about to start calling it) but instead, we are simply renting a classroom in a community center-type place and Andy and Rick are teaching all our SJSU courses.


I will be taking 15 units: 3 units of internship, 3 units of my “sightseeing class” basically, and 3 classes, a writing class, and two English classes. I will have classes Mon-Wed, every Thursday are our “Thursday excursions”, the sightseeing class, and Friday-Sunday are 3-day weekends.  


I will be living with a Host Family. So far, all I know is that there is a Mom, and two boys (I don’t know if there is a dad. He was not listed on the paper.) If anyone wants to send me love notes, email me for my address.


I don’t know the details of what will be the best way to contact me yet, but email and Skype are the great easy ways so far. If you would like to see a “Bird’s Eye” map of my new home, follow this link:,-2.3881|20|256&be=7616563|North&bd=useful_information&loc=GB:51.36616:-2.38811:17|50%20Marsden%20Road,%20Kingsway,%20Bath.|50%20Marsden%20Road,%20Bath%20and%20North%20East%20Somerset,%20Bath,%20Avon,%20England,%20BA2%202


Looks good right?


My going away party was last Friday, exactly a week before I left. This was my invitation. Pretty cute huh?




            The party was such a blast.  I had SOOO much fun. It was at a bar in Danville. The owner hooked me up. I was awed at his generosity. He did not charge me anything, but sectioned off a part of the bar for my party, let me bring in food (I found crumpets at Trader Joe’s!) and gave us all discounts on our drinks. Thanks Brian!!


            It was amazing to see (almost) everyone all together before I left. I didn’t even realize how many such different friends I had. Everyone there didn’t know half the people there. ß Did that make sense? It was amazing for me to see all those people that I would never think to see in one room together. The whole night I was running from person to person trying to give everyone a bit of my attention. Sadly, I felt like no one got enough, but I think everyone had a good time. Maybe I should have my “coming home” party there too!!


            So. That’s most of the background I thought I should share. The last few days have been filled with packing and here I am now. I didn’t know anyone pretty much at all, and so far, from hanging out at the airport for 3 hours and being on a place for 2 hours so far, I have gotten to know some people. This is going to be a great group. I think we will all have an amazing time. People are already planning trips together. I already bought concert tickets with someone to see Snow Patrol in March. Oh my goodness I am stoked for that.


            With a delicious Bloody Mary in me and free headphones ready to go, I am off to watch The Office (the British one). Cherio J

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