Sunday, February 22, 2009

Post 9- Bristol Excursion

            Since our Bristol trip 2 weeks ago got canceled due to snow, it was rescheduled for this past Thursday, Feb 19.

            I woke up in the morning feeling sick. I really did not want to get out of bed, but decided there was no way I was going to miss Bristol. I got up, got ready, and took the bus into town to where we were meeting.

            We got on the coach, picked up our tour guide, Felicity (the same one that took us on our tour through Bath), and headed for Bristol. We had a 2-hour tour. First an hour coach tour, where we rode around the city in our bus, and then a walking tour.


Our tour of Bristol seemed to me as the most uneventful so far. I think most of what caused that was me being sick and almost falling asleep on our bus tour. I actually did fall asleep for a few minutes, and would have kept sleeping if Lauren had not woken me up.

            Felicity was great. She is so full of historical knowledge. I really wish I was in a mental state to retain the knowledge she was giving to us, but unfortunately, my sick head could not focus.


On the bus tour, we drove all around the city.

Bristol was a major port city


In the far back is the famous Clifton Suspension Bridge


We got closer to it and walked across.


This is the famous archway that Queen Elizabeth I rode into to visit Bristol through on her white horse in the 1550’s.



And me showing the dragon my angry face



            On our 4-hour free-time, a few of us went to see two cathedrals.



One of them had an art gallery from the local College and High School. The artwork was really good. I really enjoyed it and was shocked with some of it that it was done by such young talent.

            One that was really creative and comical was a poster that must have been done on Photoshop, or another program like it, because it looked like a real photograph. It was an advertisement for a cereal called “Credit Crunch”. It had the cereal box with the name Credit Crunch on it, a cereal bowl in front of it, filled with coins, and a slogan that said something along the lines of, “Have you had your Crunch today?” It’s quite the appropriate humor for today.


            After the cathedrals, we tried to go shopping, but we could not find the store we wanted, and lost some of our group in the process.

            I think I will make another Bristol trip in the future, next time having planned out the places I want to go.


            That’s all I have to say about Bristol.

            I found some videos from my professor’s blog from our Bath excursion, 3 weeks ago. I thought I should show you, so you can hear a little of what Felicity told us about Bath.



(The next one is NOT Felicity, it is the Mayor of Bath, and another lady who works at the Guildhall, (the City Hall))





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